Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Let's Start Over"

Emmy: (holding out an empty bowl which used to have strawberries in it) More.
Crystal: (giving the look of shock and awe as I have been over this so many times with her)
Emmy: (coming to the realization of her mistake) Mommy, let's start over...Mommy, can I have some more strawberries PLEASE!
Crystal: (trying to keep the shock and awe look, but loosing it into an uproar as I get the strawberries)

My dad's looks were always so much scarier than his words. I've learned from the best!

While feeding Rhett, Lydia came for her usual; distract Rhett while he's eating and take away as much Mommy time away from little brother as possible.
Lydia: I've got a big eww yuck (what Jim used to yell as he changed poopy diapers has now become their name).
Crystal: Go tell Daddy (oh how I love the excuse of feeding Rhett).
Lydia: No, you can change my eww yuck when you're done with Rhett. I'll wait.
Crystal: (completely bummed).

Here's one of Rhett just for fun.


1 comment:

Averitts said...

FYI, I check your blog almost every day to see if you have a great story! I love it!!!! Thank you for providing me with such entertainment! We love y'all!