Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Bucket Of Ocean

Oh the wonders of the beach, a provider of endless entertainment, I would say relaxation as well, but who are we kidding with three kids? Jim's grandparents provided a wonderful vacation for us and we are so thankful. We'd also like to thank all of the family for all the help with our crazy children!

I wanted to show a comparison of our two girls. This is Emmy and Lydia at age two at the beach. It's amazing how the gene pool works, they don't look too much alike do they?

Emmy 2007

Lydia 2009

Here's Rhett, being three months old, he seemed pretty unimpressed with the whole beach thing. However, he sure looked cool being unimpressed.

Lydia said so many funny things when we were down at the beach. I wish I could remember them all! Lydia was afraid of the water for the first half of the week, but loved playing in the sand under the umbrella.
Crystal: Let's go to the beach!
Lydia: I don't like the beach, let's go to the sand.
Crystal: Lydia when you say you're going to the beach, it means you're going to the sand.
Lydia: No Mommy, It's not the same, let's go to the sand!
Crystal: (too tired to argue with a two year old.)

Aunt Kate: Lydia, would you like some water in your bucket?
Lydia: No, I'd like a bucket of Ocean.

Emmy was a beach addict (as everyone should be), one of her favorite things to do was have her Aunt Emily catch fish for her bucket. Look how big my little girl has gotten!

More to come!

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