Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Give Unto The Lord, The Glory Due His Name."

I feel I should preface this clip with the following: The kids at church on Easter morning were supposed to memorize a verse and then say (that being the key word) the verse in front of the congregation. Emmy had a little something different planned. Who new?

So, of course I ended the video a split second too soon when she leaned into the microphone once again (very proud of herself) and said "funny huh?!?"

Here are some Easter pictures from the past few years:

Easter 2005 (Emmy)

I couldn't leave this one out, that's our cat, Dutches (poor cat!).

Hmm... I seem to be missing a year. This is Easter 2007


Easter 2008

Introducing......Easter 2009

Since I haven't been able to get good pictures of Emmy looking at the camera...

Rhett just wants to know when he can eat next!

We've renamed him Chunky Monkey Mitchell.

Happy Easter Everyone!

1 comment:

Wynne Family said...

Crystal, I laugh out loud whenever I read your blog. You are HILARIOUS! I love hearing all about the full house at the Mitchells. Sounds like you're plenty busy, but that life's more wonderful than ever!