Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Little Fashionistas

The girls have begun to express themselves very creatively recently. I will not be one of those moms who is very patient and lets their child out in whatever suits their child at the moment. However, I have no problem with them experimenting inside the confines of our house. This morning, Emmy decided she wanted to go to the church with Jim, so she went into her dresser (or what she thought was her's, it was actually Lydia's), and picked out an outfit.

This one is definitely my favorite so far!

If you can't notice, yes, those are even Lydia's pants, but hey, they match the fur on top of her boots!

Lydia prefers the less is more look, here she has taken off all her clothes and substituted gloves and Daddy's dirty socks instead.

Again, less is more, here she emphasizes foot wear.

The silver bullet (named by Ryan Greene) also sported a new fashion this week as a tree fell on in while high winds blew over our area.

The tree is off now and the car is fine. It just won't die!

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