Saturday, September 27, 2008

Third Time's A Charm!

Many have been skeptical as to whether Jim was capable, however, he has come through. An heir has been produced and his name is "Bubba"! No....we have no name for him yet and are officially accepting name donations! I am four and a half months pregnant and am due March 3rd. For those of you who care(I wouldn't admitt it if you did), that is square root day, 3/3/09. Emmy is particularly excited. When I was two months pregnant (Emmy did not know yet), she spent the weekend with Jim's mom. At church that Sunday, she told the pastor during the children's sermon that she was going to have a baby brother. This of course, then prompted Jim's mom to ask us if I was pregnant at which point I was busted. Emmy has continued to hope for a baby brother and was so glad to hear the news this week. Lydia doesn't understand yet, but she loves babies and I'm sure she'll be very excited when "Bubba" comes. Everything looks great so far with the baby, please pray that he will continue to develope and be heathly.

In other news, we've had a very busy summer and now fall. We went to the beach twice and the mountains twice and of course, in the midst of that, my camera broke, so we really don't have a lot of summer pictures. We also went out on Lake Wyle were we had so much fun with some friends who took us out on their boat. Michelle went on the tube with the girls becuase Jim had a broken wrist (another highlitht of the summer) and I was pregnant. Here are a few pictures from this summer.


The Westmorelands said...

woo hoo!!!!!! yay for mitchell babies! and, yay for boys! my name donation: i think you should name him camden mitchell, after our memorable times at camden pinehurst. nice, huh?

Wynne Family said...

CRYSTAL!!!! I was STUNNED to see that you had updated your blog (Worms, Worms, Worms had been what I'd always come to expect when I clicked on the Mitchell blog. You're having a BABY BOY!!!!!! They are so wonderful and I, too, will suggest a name...well, still thinking. I'll get back to you on that! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Anonymous said...

Like I said in my email...yall are in for a world of change with a little boy in the mix! So fun, and I agree with Mere's name...Camden remind us all of the good ole days!

Hannah said...

Yeah! I am sure Jim is glad for the extra testosterone! How about Mitch Mitchell, kinda catchy!!:)Or Jimbo, fit right in there in the country and pay homage to his big daddy! Hey, great names, but you choose! Love ya!

Kathy Carson said...

rhett says name him ferdinand mitchel...hee..i like the name elijah and calling him eli for short...eli mitchell. :) hooray for baby boys...they're so fun...just don't let jim fill his head with theology before he's ...oh...13. HA!